BLOG 5 Proven Techniques to Improve Service Desk Optimisation

Ben O'Loghlin

Service desks face a host of challenges when trying to resolve employee issues and inquiries. It is crucial for the employee experience to remain as positive as possible throughout the resolution process.

5 Proven Techniques to Improve Service Desk Optimisation

Take steps to improve technical support and problem solving operations by incorporating the following five techniques to optimise your service desk. Read on to learn how you can boost service desk efficiency, saving your business time and money.

1. Observe employee satisfaction

Keep track and regularly check in with employee satisfaction-related metrics. In order to improve your service desk function, you must be aware of your constantly evolving employee satisfaction feedback. Review how your service desk actions affect the employee satisfaction outcome. Be sure to make note of positive actions and experiences, and apply effective techniques to your entire organisation. Check in often with employee satisfaction metrics to keep improving your process!

2. Practice open communication

Structure and organise your service desk to prevent excessive call transfers. Be clear when speaking with the employee about your knowledge and call transfer actions. An automated service desk offered by Servicely can help understand the employee’s problem to direct them towards the right solution. Communication between staff members is imperative. Let the employee know that their issue has been understood and you are actively working to resolve the problem. Tell employee which improvements have been made thanks to their feedback.

3. Keep legible records

Make note of employee complaints, and how your business resolves those issues. Record employee questions and agreements for review by coworkers. A readable record will paint a holistic picture of the problem solving process to benefit the employee and company alike. Records also simplify the accounting process. Every single word form the employee doesn’t need to be recorded, so be clear with employees about what you expect them to record.

4. Create reports

Records can be used to create reports that will illustrate general feedback trends. Data input from employees will help your automated service desk resolve problems without creating a ticket for your employee. Keep your organisation transparent with reports to improve the service desk experience for your employees and your customers.

5. Adopt service desk software.

Automated service desk software will help your business improve productivity. Automated service desk software is able to address repetitive tasks and reroute tickets to the appropriate employee. An automated service desk using AI will enhance the employee service experience while allowing your employees to work efficiently. AI can track customer satisfaction and successful problem solving techniques to increase your company’s knowledge base.

Service desk optimisation can be made simple by adhering to the above techniques. Keep your service desk and associated departments organised with open lines of communication to create a smooth experience for your customers. Contact Servicely for more information about using automated service desks to improve your employee satisfaction rates and save money.

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